By Kathleen Cooper May 9, 2024- Lake Julia has a salt problem, that is, runoff from salt that is spread on roads over the winter that drains into the lake. Chloride levels, a component of salt, have been rising in Lake Julia since testing began in 2018. From May 2018 to May 2022 the levels have risen from 31.2 mg/L (milligrams per liter) to 37.8 mg/L. When levels get up to 50 mg/L, zooplankton and macroinvertebrate numbers begin to decline. These organisms are essential for the lake food chain, and when their numbers fall, fish and wildlife numbers also fall. Other lakes are affected, but Lake Julia has the highest chloride levels in Oneida County. This is also a problem in southern Wisconsin, with Lake Mendota and even the Mississippi River registering elevated chloride levels.
There have been several environmental heroes in Oneida County working to solve the Lake Julia problem, including Bob and Sue Thome, Supervisor Linnaea Newman, the Lake Julia Lake Association, and Michele Sadauskas. Bob Thome began the process by identifying where the chloride was coming from, much of it from the Crescent School parking lot where runoff flows from the school to a roadside ditch on Boyce Road, under Boyce Road, and directly into Lake Julia.
Mr. Thome then brought the DNR, Zoning, the Lakes and Watershed Commission, Musson’s, and the School Board together. At this meeting they developed a plan, approved by the DNR, to build a retention basin (See Photo) to capture salt runoff from Crescent School before it could flow into Lake Julia. The water would then percolate through the sandy soil. The basin was dug in November, with no erosion measure put in place. With the spring thaw and the rain, we have received, the basin is now silted in, and erosion threatens the new asphalt parking lot at Crescent School.
Supervisor Newman was notified of this by a resident of Lake Julia, and she notified Michele Sadauskas, Rob Jensen and Debbie Condado (county board supervisors from Crescent and Pelican). A video of the damage was distributed, resulting in the DNR issuing a statement to Musson’s and the School Board requesting that they clean out the basin, recontour the slopes, and plant temporary cover seed to stabilize the slopes until the actual planting is done. Further, they were reminded by the DNR that any time soil is excavated/contoured and left for 14 or more days, a temporary seeding or cover should be in place to prevent erosion and runoff.
Even though the DNR request has been sent, which is good news, the work has not yet begun, although now there is now hope that it will be. This is yet another example of what a group of concerned citizens who, instead of throwing up their hands and walking away, can do to tackle environmental problems. If it were left as is, Lake Julia would rapidly be approaching the point where the food chain in the lake would begin to fail, with catastrophic results for lake habitat, fishing, and wildlife populations. Even the loons would be silenced, since their food sources would be compromised. Many thanks to all who made this happen. We at OCCWA will monitor the situation until the work recommended by the DNR is completed
By Tom Wiensch April 25, 2024- This spring the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources announced that a new aquatic invasive species (AIS) has been found in Wisconsin. The microscopic parasite Myxobolus cerebralis was confirmed to be present in Elton Creek in Langlade County. Elton Creek is a Class I trout stream that feeds the Evergreen River, which in turn feeds the Wolf River.
The DNR reports that the parasite has been found both in Elton Creek proper, and in a private fish hatchery on that stream. It is unclear what the source of the parasite was. The DNR reports that it may be spread by people depositing live or dead fish in streams, or moving tubifex worms, mud, aquatic plants, or even water from one waterbody to another.
Myxobolus cerebralis is infamous for having caused whirling disease in many rivers and streams in the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere. Whirling disease causes spinal and other deformities in young trout, causing them to swim in an abnormal “whirling” pattern. The disease has a fatality rate of up to 90%. Whirling disease has lowered populations of rainbow trout in some Rocky Mountain streams by 90%. The Wisconsin DNR reports that rainbow trout and brook trout are thought to be the trout species most susceptible to whirling disease.
Wisconsin has native brook trout and lake trout, and self-sustaining populations of non-native brown and rainbow trout. Brown trout are native only to Eurasia, and rainbow trout are native only to Pacific Ocean tributaries.
While not being native, brown and rainbow trout have created popular fisheries in Wisconsin, in some cases in streams that are no longer suitable for native brook trout. Popular brown trout streams exist in much of Wisconsin, particularly in the Driftless Area, Central Sands Region, and the Northwoods. Self-sustaining populations of stream-resident rainbow trout occur in only a handful of streams in Wisconsin. Wild steelhead (migratory rainbow trout) though, occur in many tributaries to Lake Superior. Native brook trout are the most common trout species in the Northwoods, and they also occur in many other areas of the State, including the Driftless Area and the Central Sands Region.
Whirling disease was first reported in non-native rainbow trout in Germany in 1893. The disease seems to be less damaging to brown trout, likely because they evolved with the parasite. The parasite made its way to America by at least 1956 when it was found in Pennsylvania. It has since spread to a number of other states.
At first whirling disease was believed to only be a problem in fish hatcheries. Then, in the 1990’s, it began decimating rainbow trout populations in such famous western trout rivers as Montana’s Madison and Colorado’s Gunnison. The Wisconsin DNR reports that, for some reason, some states that have the parasite have not experienced whirling disease and the fish population declines that come with it.
It is unclear what effect this new invasive species will have in Wisconsin. Will it decimate our native brook trout or our nativized rainbows and steelhead? If we aren’t careful, time may tell.
Anglers and other river users are encouraged to avoid spreading the disease by wearing rubber rather than felt soled boots, and by thoroughly cleaning boots, waders, and boats etc. after leaving a river or stream to avoid moving mud, tubifex worms, or plant material to other waterbodies. Of course, neither live nor dead fish, nor water should be moved from one water body to another.
In addition to helping to prevent the spread of whirling disease, the cleaning of equipment can help prevent the spread of other stream-inhabiting invasive species, such as New Zealand mud Snails, which have been found in Black Earth Creek in Dane County as well as Superior’s Duluth-Superior Harbor and the Waukegan Harbor of Lake Michigan in Illinois. Cleaning equipment can also help avoid the spread of Didymosphenia geminate, commonly known as “Didymo” or “Rock Snot.” Didymo has been found in Lake Superior for decades, and in 2021 was found in seven Minnesota tributaries of Lake Superior. Like whirling disease, these invasives could have devastating effects on Wisconsin’s streams and rivers and their fish populations.
Of course, anglers and others using lakes should be equally cautious in order to avoid transporting AIS from one body of water to another. In addition to the whirling disease parasite, New Zealand mud snails, and didymo, many other invasive species have been spread to Wisconsin’s waters.
Other invasive aquatic plants and animals in Wisconsin include Eurasian water milfoil, zebra mussels, quagga mussels, rusty crayfish, red swamp crayfish, four species of carp, and many more.
The waters of Wisconsin belong to all of us. Many of us have seen the damage done to beautiful lakes that are now infested with enormous mats of Eurasian water milfoil. Please do the best you can to avoid transporting the whirling disease parasite and other AIS to any of our waters. In the case of the whirling disease parasite, once it is in a body of water it may be there forever, as there is currently no way to remove it.
For more information on Invasive Species please visit the Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Department website - The staff of that Department work very hard in the fight to stop Aquatic Invasive Species.
*Update* By Tom Wiensch May 5, 2024-
2024 Conservation Congress Spring Hearing Results
The 2024 public hearings of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress took place in April this year. Citizens of Wisconsin and other states were able to vote in person or on-line. In addition to many questions specific to fishing and hunting, this year’s slate of questions included several on issues not only tied to those sports. Those included questions on wake boats, PFAS, aquatic pesticides, lead ammunition and tackle, mowing of rights of way and accessing state lands through railroad tracks and rights of way. A breakdown of the numbers voting for and against selected questions have been added in BOLD to our April 5th post below. For numbers of people who did not vote on those questions, and for the voting results on other questions, please visit this site:
Note: *Voting Results* have been entered in bold to the original questions covered in our April 5th post below.
By Tom Wiensch April 5, 2024- Since 1934, Wisconsin citizens have had the opportunity to voice their preferences on conservation issues. That opportunity comes in the form of the annual spring hearings of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) Wisconsin Conservation Congress | Our Mission | Wisconsin DNR . Although some think of the hearings as being of interest only to hunters and anglers, nothing could be further from the truth. All citizens have a right to vote on conservation issues, and the issues on the ballot are not limited to hunting and fishing issues.
The spring hearings afford the public the chance to vote on two types of conservation questions – Advisory questions posed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and citizen authored questions presented by the WCC. Citizens may vote on the Spring Hearing Questions either by attending in-person hearings on April 8, or by voting on-line between noon on April 10th and noon on April 13th. Citizens also have the right to present questions to be voted on at the Spring Hearings, although that needs to be done in February of each year. For more information on voting dates, times, and places, please see Eric Rempala’s article dated April 4.
This year’s ballot 2024 Spring Hearing Online Public Input Form Survey ( contains many hunting and fishing related questions, which certainly may be of interest to many OCCWA readers, but it also contains a number of questions that relate to our environment more generally. These questions relate to wake boats, PFAS, aquatic herbicide use, toxic lead ammunition and fishing tackle, mowing of habitat under powerlines, access to public lands, and more. Please consider taking a few minutes to voice your opinion on these important issues. The following is a summary of some of those questions.
*Voter Totals* YES- 10,895 NO- 3,804 WI YES- 10,274 WI NO- 3,363
This question asks: “Would you support the WCC and legislature modifying existing statutes to prohibit generation of intentionally magnified wakes for wake surfing through the use of ballast, design features, operational procedures or any other means on lakes smaller than 1500 acres and less than 20 feet deep and maintain a distance from shore and other lake users of 700 feet?”
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø Wake surfing involves specially equipped boats that create ocean- like waves so that people can surf behind the boats without ropes.
Ø Wake surfing is rapidly becoming more common in Wisconsin.
Ø Wake boats are often operated in a way that creates visibility problems for operators.
Ø Wake boating creates safety hazards for other lake users.
Ø Wake boating damages personal property.
Ø Wake boating damages the environment by churning up lakebeds, creating murky water, destroying aquatic vegetation, destroying fish spawning beds, causing or enhancing algae blooms, swamping loon nests, eroding shorelines, forcing warm water into cool thermoclines, and transferring aquatic invasive species (AIS.)
Ø Degradation of lakes will harm local economies.
*Voter Results* YES- 10,608 NO- 4,193 WI YES- 10,002 WI NO 3,715
This question asks: “Would you support the WCC and legislature creating a new statute that prohibits the use of wake boat ballast systems on Wisconsin's lakes and rivers?”
The explanation with the question notes:
Ø Ship ballast dumping in the great lakes has spread AIS.
Ø Current regulations require that all ballast from all boats be emptied before leaving boat landings.
Ø Wake boat ballast systems are designed in such a way that all ballast water cannot be readily emptied from them, as evidenced by wake boat owners’ manuals which recommend adding anti-freeze to ballast systems in winter.
Ø A University of Wisconsin Study showed that wake boat ballast systems contain, on average, 8 gallons of water after being “emptied.”
Ø Water in wake boat ballast systems can transport AIS including zebra mussels, spiny water fleas and fish diseases.
Ø Wake boats can be used without filling their ballast tanks.
*Voter Results* YES- 10,016 NO- 4,228 WI YES- 9,448 WI NO- 3,777
This question asks: “Would you support regulations by DNR to require that all ballast systems used in boats shall have a reasonable practical means of inspecting the system to confirm that no water is retained in the system (tanks, piping, valves, etc.)?
The explanation with the question notes:
Ø Ballast systems which can contain hundreds of gallons of water are used to artificially enhance wakes.
Ø Section NR 19.055(1) of the Wisconsin Administrative code requires that all ballast systems be emptied of water immediately upon leaving any waterbody.
Ø Failing to completely empty ballast systems creates a risk of spreading AIS.
Ø Most boat ballast systems as currently designed cannot be easily emptied of all water.
Ø DNR staff have stated that most boat ballast systems cannot be readily inspected, making enforcement of NR19.055(1) impossible.
*Voter Results* YES- 10,541 NO- 1,379 WI YES- 9,947 WI NO- 1,274
This question asks: “Should the Legislature, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Health develop and enact protective limitations on PFAS compounds for acute and chronic toxicity in surface water, wildlife health, groundwater, fish consumption, and human health?
The explanation with the question notes:
Ø PFAS are a class of more than 4,000 chemicals that accumulate in the human body in never decreasing amounts, and 98% of Americans have measurable levels of PFAS in their bodies.
Ø According to the EPA, PFAS cause developmental problems in fetuses and infants, certain kinds of cancer, reduced antibody response, decreased immune response to vaccinations, and kidney disease.
Ø PFAS makes its way into our bodies from a number of sources, including consumer and industrial products, sludge spread on farm fields, and freshwater fish that we eat.
*Voter Results* YES- 10,199 NO- 1,832 WI YES- 9,600 WI NO- 1,714
This question asks: “Do you support the elimination of the use of herbicide, 2,4D in aquatic ecosystems in the state of
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø For decades, 2,4D has been unsuccessfully used to try to eliminate non-native aquatic plants.
Ø A study in Forest County has demonstrated that this has caused harm to native plants and animals.
Ø 2,4D negatively affects fish reproduction, significantly reduces zooplankton that young fish feed on, and has completely eliminated bluegill and crappies from one lake.
*Voter Results* YES- 6,251 NO- 7,152 WI YES- 5,815 WI NO- 6,795
This question asks: “Would you support eliminating lead, statewide, from firearm ammunition used for hunting by 2030?”
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø Lead is toxic to animals.
Ø When used as ammunition, lead can end up in entrails scavenged by animals such as eagles and can end up in meat consumed by humans.
Ø Some lead ammunition is already prohibited for waterfowl hunting and for hunting all game in some places.
Ø Alternatives to lead exist but are currently more expensive than lead.
Ø Creating a phase-out timeline would allow suppliers and retailers to adapt.
*Voter Results* YES- 9,407 No- 3,050 WI YES- 8,857 WI NO- 2,893
This question asks: “Do you support DNR including information on lead alternatives and the impact that lead ammunition and fishing tackle have on our ecosystems and public health in hunter education courses and hunting and fishing regulation materials?”
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø Lead has been shown to have environmental risks to wildlife and the public.
Ø Lead alternatives are becoming more available.
Ø Providing information to hunters and anglers will help them make informed choices.
*Voter Results* YES- 9,240 NO- 2,010 WI YES- 8,727 WI NO- 1,883
This question asks: “Would you support that (sic) the Wisconsin Conservation Congress advising the Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Conservation Bureau to request powerline companies refrain from mowing during the summer months and encourage powerline companies to work with private landowners to manage powerline vegetation that provides habitat for insects and wildlife?”
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø Companies and cooperatives mow low vegetation under powerlines during animal nesting season destroying wildlife habitat.
Ø Some mow all vegetation including native prairie plants, milkweed, hazel, and dogwood.
Ø Milkweed is required by monarch butterflies, as it is the only food that monarch caterpillars eat.
Ø The International Union for the Conservation of Nature considers monarchs to be endangered, and the USF&WS considers them a candidate for endangered species listing.
Ø Mid-summer mowing destroys plants and monarch eggs.
Ø Native vegetation under powerlines provides nesting habitat for turkeys and late-nesting songbirds and shade for amphibians.
Ø There are thousands of miles of powerlines in Wisconsin.
*Voter Results* YES- 11,710 NO- 622 WI YES- 11,118 WI NO- 604
This question asks: “Would you support the Wisconsin Conservation Congress assertively working with Wisconsin State Legislators to reinstate SS 192.32 (1) (c) which allows the public to safely and legally walk directly across railroad tracks/right of way for purposes of accessing state lands and waters?
The explanation with this question notes:
Ø A 2005 law made it illegal for people in Wisconsin to cross railroad tracks to access state lands and waters.
Ø For over 100 years prior to 2005, people accessed state lands and waters by legally and safely crossing railroad tracks.
Ø The 2005 law has made 121 state properties and many federal lands mostly inaccessible.
Ø Many groups have worked to change the 2005 law.
By Beckie Gaskill March 27, 2022-Water is not only essential for life but also plays a significant role in shaping the value of real estate properties. Whether it’s a picturesque lakefront property, a suburban home with access to clean drinking water, or an urban apartment overlooking a river, the quality of water can have a profound impact on property values. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the interconnected relationship between water quality and property values, exploring how they influence each other and what implications this has for homeowners, buyers, and communities.
The Importance of Water Quality:
Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics of water. It’s a measure of its suitability for various uses, including drinking, recreational activities, agriculture, and supporting aquatic ecosystems. Factors affecting water quality include pollution, sedimentation, nutrient runoff, industrial discharges, and agricultural practices.
Clean and abundant water is not only essential for human health but also contributes to the overall well-being of ecosystems and biodiversity. Conversely, contaminated or polluted water can have detrimental effects on public health, ecosystem health, and economic activities.
Impact on Property Values:
The quality of water can significantly influence the value of real estate properties in several ways:
1. Location Premium: Properties located near bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, or oceans often command higher prices due to the aesthetic appeal and recreational opportunities they offer. Clean and well-maintained water bodies enhance the visual attractiveness of the surroundings, thus increasing property values.
2. Recreational Opportunities: Access to clean water bodies opens up recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, and water sports. Properties with such access are perceived as more desirable and fetch higher prices, especially in vacation or resort areas.
3. Drinking Water Quality: The availability of clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental requirement for homeowners. Properties served by municipal water systems with high-quality drinking water often have higher values compared to those relying on private wells or areas with poor water quality.
4. Environmental Considerations: Buyers are increasingly conscious of environmental issues, including water quality. Properties in areas with well-managed water resources and minimal pollution are preferred, reflecting a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable living environments.
Case Studies and Research:
Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between water quality and property values, providing valuable insights into this complex interplay. For instance, research conducted in various regions has shown that improvements in water quality lead to corresponding increases in property values. Conversely, instances of water pollution or contamination have been linked to decreased property values and potential long-term economic losses for communities.
Policy Implications and Community Action:
Recognizing the importance of water quality for property values, policymakers, local authorities, and community organizations play a crucial role in implementing measures to protect and enhance water resources. This may involve implementing regulations to reduce pollution, investing in infrastructure for water treatment and wastewater management, promoting sustainable land use practices, and fostering community engagement in water conservation efforts.
Water quality and property values are intricately linked, with clean water serving as a valuable asset that enhances the desirability and value of real estate properties. As the importance of environmental sustainability grows, so too does the significance of maintaining high water quality standards. By understanding this relationship and taking proactive measures to protect and improve water resources, communities can not only safeguard public health and environmental integrity but also enhance the economic prosperity and quality of life for residents now and in the future.
Beckie Gaskill is a freelance outdoor and environmental writer as well as a content creator. She runs her own podcast as part of her media company FlaG (Fish Like a Girl) Media. She is a Master Naturalist and sits on the board of several different conservation organizations. She has also started her own digital magazine, The Wisconsin Conservationist. More information regarding that magazine can be found on her website: The Wisconsin Conservationist Magazine – All the news that is important to you (
By Beckie Gaskill April 23, 2024- April means a great deal of things. It brings Tax Day. It is the start of spring. It brings some of the migratory birds back. It means Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention, most of all!
I attend probably an obnoxious number of conferences each year: The Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference (UMISC), International Invasive Species and Climate Change Conference (IISCCC), The North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference (NAISMA), the PFAS Summit, and the Wisconsin Wetland Science Conference were all on my list this year. But honestly, Lakes and Rivers Conference always winds up to be my favorite. The content of the conference itself is always a draw. But getting to spend a few days with like-minded people means more than anything.
One of the biggest things I stress to everyone who will listen is that user groups have more in common than our differences. Yes, one of my biggest concerns is the environment and all of the things that fall under that umbrella. But at the same time, I am a hunter and angler. So, for me, I understand that the non-take community and the take community, also known as the “hook and bullet crowd,” have a lot more in common than most people in either group understand. Heck, people within each of those groups, but in different user groups, tend to focus more on their differences than their similarities. Hikers and bikers do not always get along. ATVers and snowmobile communities do not always get along. In the fishing community, “walleye guys” choose not to see eye to eye with “bass guys” and vice versa.
This conference added another layer to these user groups. Honestly, it was one about which I had not thought a great deal – the producer-led watershed people.
“You like food, don’t you?” is an easy way out and, honestly, argumentative, bringing no solutions. It could be easy to say, certainly. We charge our farmers with feeding us all, even if we are angry at those of them who may not be the most environmentally minded.
I spent Friday’s lunch at the Lakes and Rivers Convention with a farmer. I will leave her name out, but she spoke quite a bit about the considerations and adaptations she and her husband had made at their farm, following her father-in-law's original visions for the farm.
“You’d never even know there was a creek on our farm,” she told me and the rest of the lake lovers at the table. Her story gave me pause. As a lake lover myself, but also understanding that farmers are tasked with feeding us all somehow, I have been torn in some respects. What this person brought to light for me was the fact that there are many farmers who do think about the environment, and about water, the same way many of us do.
One of the things I have always believed, when talking with various groups, is that there is “no one” who doesn’t want clean water, or clean air, or habitat for wildlife. And I still believe that it is true today. The difference now is that I can add producers to that group. When I say “no one,” I mean no group as a whole. When we look at a super-hot topic such as wake boats, many may believe that thought erroneous. In some cases that is true, but in other cases it is simply a lack of education.
My point in all of this is that we all have so much more in common than we have differences. We are all living not only on the same planet, but in the same state. We all enjoy the natural resources of the state, and we all not only love, but need, our water most specifically. I would urge anyone reading to take a minute or two to reach out to someone in a different user group – perhaps someone you meet on the trail or at the lake, maybe the person behind you at the sports shop. See what it might be that you have in common. You might be surprised how small of a world in which we all live.
Beckie Gaskill is a freelance outdoor and environmental writer as well as a content creator. She runs her own podcast as part of her media company FlaG (Fish Like a Girl) Media. She is a Master Naturalist and sits on the board of several different conservation organizations. She has also started her own digital magazine, The Wisconsin Conservationist. More information regarding that magazine can be found on her website: The Wisconsin Conservationist Magazine – All the news that is important to you (
By Tom Wiensch February 20, 2024-
Photo Credit- Samantha Sherwood JWMS Grade 7 from Wisconsin Land and Water youth conservation poster contest
A bill has been introduced in the State Senate that would force certain private landowners to open private roads to automobile, ATV, snowmobile and other vehicle use. The bill, 2023 Senate Bill 999 Wisconsin Legislature: SB999: Bill Text , relates to lands that are enrolled under the Open Managed Forest Land Program. This bill has the potential to have far reaching negative effects on the timber and recreation industries in Wisconsin. The bill is sponsored by Senators Felzkowski, Quinn, and Stafsholt and is co-sponsored by Representatives Green and Schmidt.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reports that:
“The forest products industry contributes $24.4 billion in goods and services and employs 61,000 men and women in forest management, logging and wood and paper manufacturing.”
The DNR also states that, of the recreation industry, hunting alone contributes 2.5 billion dollars to the state’s economy. Of course, forest land also contributes to the health of Wisconsin’s land and waters in many ways.
The MFL Program provides incentives in the form of discounted property taxes to landowners who agree to sustainably manage their lands for timber production. The program is a successor to the Forest Crop Law, which began in 1927.
Currently, there are over 3 million acres in the state enrolled in the MFL program. Each parcel has a plan, and the plans provide for timber harvesting, wildlife management, water quality, and recreation. Tax incentives vary
depending on whether or not landowners choose to open their land to the public. The current tax rates are as follows:
Land entered before 2005 (1987 - 2004)
Open land (acreage share tax): $0.72
Closed land (acreage share tax plus $0.96 closed acreage fee): $1.68
Land entered after 2004 (2005 and later)
Open land (acreage share tax): $1.90
Closed land (acreage share tax plus $7.59 closed acreage fee): $9.49
Currently, owners of lands in the Open MFL Program must allow non-motorized public access to their Open MFL lands for such things as hunting, fishing, hiking and cross-country skiing, but are not required to open their lands to motorized use. It is important to note that landowners can only place 320 acres of their land in any municipality (town, village, city) in Closed MFL (no public access.) Public access must be provided to Open MFL lands. This means that landowners can’t block access to their Open MFL lands by enrolling all lands along public roads in Closed MFL. It is also important to know that formerly a 5% yield tax was paid by owners of MFL lands. The yield tax meant that, when timber was harvested, landowners paid approximately 5% of the value of the timber in taxes. That tax was repealed effective 2016.
SB 999 would require landowners to allow vehicle traffic on all roads and trails on their open MFL lands that are at least nine feet wide and maintained for vehicular traffic. These roads and trails would have to be open to all members of the public for non-commercial use by any motor vehicles with a gross weight of 8000 lbs. or less, and all registered ATVs, UTVs, and snowmobiles.
Landowners would only have the right to close their roads from April 1st until the first Saturday in May, regardless of the time of the spring break-up of ice in the ground. During many years, the break-up of frost in the ground occurs earlier or later. During such years, March and May can be times when the deep ground is still frozen, while the top few inches are thawed, saturated, and unable to drain. Vehicular traffic during these times can be enormously damaging to roads.
Landowners would have a grace period during which they could shift lands from Open MFL to closed MFL without penalties. No exception is made; however, to the 320-acre maximum rule.
The bill would also create a road repair program to be administered by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. This program would provide funds for private MFL Open roads damaged by public use. The funds for this program would come from the State Forestry Account in the Conservation Fund.
It’s difficult to anticipate all the repercussions if this bill were to become law. Among the many questions and concerns are:
1. Will the Forestry Account have ample funding to pay for all road damage?
2. Will administration of the rules on compensation for road damage be efficient? How will it be determined if damage was caused by owners or others? How will it be determined if damage is significant enough to qualify for reimbursement? How quickly will the fund pay for road repairs? One can easily imagine a hunter arriving on his land before deer season, only to find extensive enough road damage such that he can’t make it into his hunting cabin. Will there be ample contractors and materials to timely repair the damage that is done?
3. How will damaged roads affect the ability of landowners to conduct timber harvests while waiting for funds and contractors to repair roads? How much less stumpage will timber harvesters be willing and able to pay to landowners if they have to contend with damaged roads?
4. Will the payment for damage to roads reduce the availability of Forestry Account Funds used for other purposes? That account currently pays for such things as development and care of forests, operation of forests for social and recreational activities, aid in lieu of taxes paid to local governments, maintenance of boating access sites, chronic wasting disease research, and more. If road repair is added, will additional funds be needed, and if so, who will bear the tax burden?
5. No provision is made for damage to land and vegetation adjacent to roads. It’s common to see areas adjacent to forest roads torn up by ATVs and vehicles. Apparently, landowners alone will have to bear those burdens.
6. No provision is made for compensation for vehicle caused fires in sensitive habitats such as pine barrens during dry times. Is it fair for landowners who are maintaining valuable habitat to suffer preventable forest fires?
7. Was any consideration given to landowners who are trying to foster the growth of native species on their land and who don’t want to contend with damage to those species and invasive species that may be transferred by vehicular traffic?
8. Was any thought given to the fact that snowmobiles can cause snow compaction and ice creation that can make break-up time logging difficult or impossible?
9. No provision is made for the clean-up of trash dumped by users. In Oneida County, roads on industrial lands have previously been gated
after extreme incidents of littering have occurred. On such lands and on public lands, I have seen: old refrigerators and other large appliances; an old kitchen counter top; sofas and chairs; and a roll of carpeting discarded in a stream. Apparently, landowners will have to suffer the litter clean-up costs.
10. If landowners are forced to remove gates at public roads, and place gates near their cabins, access by thieves will be made much easier. Is it fair for landowners to bear this risk?
11. How many landowners will be unable to tolerate damage, littering and lack of privacy and elect to simply switch to Closed MFL, or withdraw from or never enter MFL, thus limiting access to lands for hunting and other recreation? If this bill becomes law, will there ultimately be less available recreational land in Wisconsin? In the case of withdrawal/failure to enroll, what effect will this have on the forest products industry?
12. How many large industrial/investment landowners will be unable to tolerate damage and littering, be unable to afford to move the limited amount allowed into Closed MFL and withdraw remaining land and simply chop their land into small parcels and sell it? What effect will this fragmentation have on the forest products and outdoor recreation industries and on wildlife habitat?
13. How much tax increase will be caused for landowners who elect to move land into closed MFL or withdraw it from MFL altogether? Would it have been fiscally wiser to simply maintain the yield tax and not force owners to allow vehicle traffic on their land?
14. How many hunters will have their hunts disrupted as cars and ATVs drive on private roads during hunting season?
15. Was any consideration given to landowners and MFL users (hikers etc.) who would like a quiet experience for hunting, wildlife photography, or otherwise?
16. Will some of these trails end up getting heavy enough use that they will become de facto heavy-use recreational trails, but without the signage, downed tree clean-up and other safety measures that state funded/club-maintained trails have? How many injuries and deaths will occur? Who will be liable?
SB999 seems to raise more questions than it provides answers. The MFL program and its predecessor have worked well for nearly 100 years without this sort of forced infringement on private property rights. There are existing ways to establish reasonable motorized traffic on private lands. One example is the use of voluntary conservation easements, such as the Pelican River Forest Easement. In that case, a large landowner sold the state an easement that requires that most roads on a huge parcel of land be open to the public most of the year. That project was funded mostly by the federal government with royalties received from offshore oil and gas drilling, with matching funds from private entities. That project includes a fund that will pay for road damage without taxpayer funds having to be used. That sort of voluntary program seems much more in line with Wisconsin values than SB 999, which forces landowners to open roads in a way that will subject them to unreasonable damage.
Also see Wisconsin's Green Fire response here WGF Opposes SB 999 - Changes to Managed Forest Law • Wisconsin’s Green Fire (
By Beckie Gaskill February 20, 2024- Much has been written in recent years about lead poisoning in loons, bald eagles and other raptors. In fact, a recent statistic from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) showed 15% of bald eagle deaths in Wisconsin were attributed to lead toxicity. A recent study showed a spike in bald eagle mortalities starting in October and lasting through December, which could be attributed to lead ammunition during the hunting season, but that does not negate the impact of lead fishing tackle on waterfowl and even raptors. Waterfowl can ingest lead tackle and raptor such as bald eagles eat fish, which can be another source of consumption of lead tackle.
Humans removed lead from gas, paint and other items years ago. We understand the dangers of lead. Yet some still use lead tackle.
Lead tackle such as sinkers would not be a problem if they always made it back to the boat or the bank, where they could be disposed of properly. But that is often not the case. Split shots, sinkers and worm weights often wound up snagged in wood or on rocks. Sometimes we, as anglers, even lose the occasional worm weight in a fish. It happens.
Luckily, for both the environment and anglers, there are alternatives to lead tackle today. Rather than lead split shots, bismuth split shots are a great alternative. I do not do a lot of split shotting, but I have used bismuth split shots when I do, and they perform the same. They are soft enough to be used in the same ways, and, honestly, I feel they offer a bit better feel of the bottom composition.
If an angler is looking to be able to feel the bottom better, tungsten, in my opinion, is the way to go. This is another lead-free alternative. It is a bit more expensive and, for a tournament angler such as me, that can add up, but it is worth it. Not only is tungsten more environmentally friendly, but the feel is head and shoulders over the feel of the old lead weights. Most tournament anglers have moved to all tungsten weights for worm weights, drop shot weights. The feel is much better, and the size of the weight is smaller because tungsten is denser than lead. Some anglers believe the smaller size for the same weight helps them catch more fish because the fish do not see the weight. That could be true – not being a fish, I cannot speak to that, but the idea does seem to have merit.
Another alternative to lead is brass. I use brass weights on a Carolina rig. I like the click of the brass weight against the glass bead. It is supposed to mimic the sound of a crayfish snapping its pinchers together. With crayfish being one of the main prey of bass and other species, that sound, at least in an angler’s mind, should put more fish in the boat.
I would be remiss if I did not also talk about limestone sinkers. RockyBrooK Sinkers has been one of my tournament sponsors for going on a decade now. They are from West Virginia, and lead tackle on the East Coast has been banned in many places. I have used their limestone drop shot sinkers and river/pond sinkers quite a bit in over the years. They have so many different applications. The smallest of sinkers I will use on top of a shakey head, sitting freely above the jig, for extra “clacking” noise as I move the bait through the water.
I also use their worm weights on a Carolina rig. The sound of that limestone hitting rock and other structure on the bottom is so different that it brings fish over to check it out. Again, it is more like a realistic clicking of crayfish pinchers.
Their river/stream weights I use on a modified Jika rig. But there are a ton of other uses for those as well.
The drop shot weights are great because I can choose different shapes and sizes for any application. Should I lose one, losing a limestone sinker is much more friendly to the wallet than losing a tungsten sinker, and that is never a bad thing.
In the long run, getting lead tackle out of the tacklebox is the best idea. There are plenty of great alternatives on the market today. The bonus for anglers is that many of those have big benefits to the angler, as well as to the environment.
Beckie Gaskill is a freelance outdoor and environmental writer as well as a content creator. She runs her own podcast as part of her media company FlaG (Fish Like a Girl) Media. She is a Master Naturalist and sits on the board of several different conservation organizations. She has also started her own digital magazine, The Wisconsin Conservationist. More information regarding that magazine can be found on her website: The Wisconsin Conservationist Magazine – All the news that is important to you (
OCCWA Note: Please consider supporting (REGI) Raptor Education Group, Inc. out of Antigo who rescue and rehabilitate all types of birds, including those that suffer from lead poisoning. Marge Gibson and her staff are Nothern Wisconsin treasure.
REGI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured or orphaned native bird species and public education of wildlife issues. Founded in 1990 by Marge and Don Gibson, REGI was initially focused on educational programming and field research on avian species, but quickly grew to address the need for a rehabilitation center in the area, especially for raptors and swans. Today, REGI takes in anywhere from 800 to over 1,000 patients each year and provides educational programs to hundreds of people.
More info from Regi on the hazards of lead Going Lead Free — Raptor Education Group, Inc.
Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association (GLTPA) invites Texas based Pelican River Forest opponent to speak. April 12, 2024- A recent Wisconsin Examiner article by Henry Redman covers Texas based American Stewards of Liberty (ASL) speaker Margaret Byfield's presentation at the GLTPA Spring Celebration. Leader of anti-conservation group speaks at timber conference sponsored by UW-Madison center • Wisconsin Examiner As you may recall, local officials recently attempted to contest privately owned Pelican River Forest easement funding using ASL like concepts. Congressman Tiffany admitted recommending ASL's Margaret Byfield to local officials in a WPR article Pelican River Forest secures funding, but local leaders want federal grant revoked - WPR " Republican Rep. Tom Tiffany, who objected to several land purchases as a state senator, said he suggested local governments work with Margaret Byfield, the executive director for American Stewards of Liberty." Mr. Redman's article shines a bright light on ASL's ideology which was reflected in Byfield's presentation. Notwithstanding the entertainment value, the article must be read to be believed. It is unclear as to how supporting and anti-conservation group benefits local forestry, but GLTPA's response quoted from Examiner article was " Henry Schienebeck, executive director of the GLTPA, said in an email that he wouldn’t comment on what Byfield said during her speech, but said the organization’s members are committed to managing Wisconsin’s forests sustainably."
By Kathleen Cooper December 13, 2023- It’s been a good week for clean water in Oneida County! The Oneida County Conservation Committee has drafted letters to the two committees responsible for hearing the wake boating bill drafted by Senator Mary Felzkowski and State Representative Rob Swearingen (the Assembly and Senate Committees). These letters urge our state legislators to revise the proposed bill to limit wake boating no closer than 500 ft from shore (the original bill allowed wake boating 200 ft from shore), in water depth no less than 30 ft (there are no depth requirements in the original bill), to address the issue of aquatic invasive species transport in ballast water (the original bill does not address this issue), and to maintain local control over this issue (the original bill removes all local control of this issue). If adopted, the limits expressed in the letter would be the most aggressive limits on wake boating in the nation, limits which are much more aligned with independent research. Independent research indicates that wake boating should only be allowed on lakes 1500 acres or larger, at least 600-700 feet from shore, in depths of at least 20-30 ft, and that ballast tanks should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected after use to prevent the spread of invasive species from lake to lake.
The members of the Conservation Committee deserve our recognition for this action that will help to keep our lake environments safer and protect lake habitat for generations to come. The committee members are Jim Winkler (chair), Robb Jensen (vice chair), Linnaea Newman, Tommy Ryden, and Collette Sorgel. If you have time, please email them for supporting lake habitat and the science behind preserving it.
In other developments, the Oneida County Board of Health unanimously passed a resolution on December 12 asking for the testing of the sludge that is being spread on local fields for PFAS, as well as the testing of private wells within a two-mile radius of these spreading sites for PFAS, to be paid for by the DNR and/or the state. This resolution will now go before the Oneida County Board in January. Many thanks to Linda Conlon, the director of the Oneida County Health Department, and to the members of the Board of Health Committee: Tom Kelly (chairman), Debbie Condado, Mike Roach, Billy Fried, and special thanks to Scott Holewinski for his support. Please contact your county board supervisors to let them know how you feel about this important resolution.
In these times of division, our legislators have come together, recognized the importance of these issues for our lakes, wetlands, and groundwater, and have taken these important steps to preserve our water. They deserve our thanks and support on these Clean Water issues.
Oneida County Conservation Committe email addresses.
By Tommy Burrell November 8, 2023- "The Oneida County Planning and Development Committee is revising the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The existing 2013 Plan includes a Public Participation Goal: “[to] inform, consult and involve the public and the communities served during each phase of the planning process.”
At the committee’s October 18th, meeting, I offered a brief “public comment.” In light of the public participation goal, I suggested that the Chapter 2 (“Natural Resources”) discussion of metallic mining would be the perfect place to include the Lynne Mine Referendum — as an indication of public opinion.
See November 2018 Referendum coverage Local Groups (Once Again) Stand Up to Mining Threats - River Alliance of WI (
Scott Holewinski, chairmen of the committee and of the Board of Supervisors, did not think that would be appropriate because future supervisors might think that they were bound by it. Mike Timmons, Supervisor, responded that the referendum could be included with sufficient detail.
Sam Wessel, Senior Planner at the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, later commented that the Lynne referendum information could be inserted in Chapter Two.
Each chapter of the Plan ends with “Goals, Objectives, and Policies.” Under the existing Plan, Ch 2 (2013), the first Goal is to improve and enhance natural features such as shorelands. The first Policy is to “Conserve and enhance shoreland areas by minimizing impacts from land-disturbing activities.” Holewinski said, “Strike that.” It was not clear whether he meant the policy, the goal or both. He and Mike Roach, Supervisor, agreed that the existing wording could cause a loss of property owner control and value.
Goal 2 of the existing plan is to “Conserve and enhance large tract woodlands and County Forests.” The committee agreed to strike or modify this goal. As written, they feel that it could be used in the future to stop development. Holewinski stated that county forests are already protected. He believes that the reason to have Managed Forest Lands is to save the land for future development. Holewinski opined that the committee needed time to consider all the goals and discuss them further at a later meeting. He commented, “These goals sound like they came out of a magazine.”
Oneida County 2013 Comprehensive Plan link- Microsoft Word - OC Element 1April 2013 (
As you can see, our County Board Supervisors are revamping the Comprehensive Plan to ensure and facilitate future development. The existing plan states that the County public participation goal includes informing, consulting and involving us. However, you feel about these issues, now is the time to let our supervisors and the public know your views.
OCCWA Helpful Reference*
Refer to Wikipedia Comprehensive Plan definition to better understand it's importance.
"Comprehensive planning is an ordered process that determines community goals and aspirations in terms of community development. The end product is called a comprehensive plan, also known as a general plan, or master plan. This resulting document expresses and regulates public policies on transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing. Comprehensive plans typically encompass large geographical areas, a broad range of topics, and cover a long-term time horizon. The term comprehensive plan is most often used by urban planners in the United States.
Each city and county adopts and updates their plan to guide the growth and land development of their community, for both the current period and the long term. This "serious document" is then the foundation for establishing goals, purposes, zoning and activities allowed on each land parcel to provide compatibility and continuity to the entire region as well as each individual neighborhood. It has been one of the most important instruments in city and regional planning since the early twentieth century."
By Kathleen Cooper June 16, 2023- The latest funding bill proposed by the Wisconsin legislature seems to be the proverbial “wolf in sheep’s clothing” for local governments. The latest funding bill proposed by the Wisconsin legislature seems to be the proverbial “wolf in sheep’s clothing” for local governments.
While it raises funding for most municipalities in Wisconsin by 15%, (but only 10% in Democratically controlled Milwaukee, stating that Milwaukee, unlike other cities, would be able to increase sales taxes themselves) there are some alarming proposals included.
This bill would ban local advisory referenda questions on everything except for certain projects that would be funded with property tax money. It would also mandate that local governments approve projects under the state’s land stewardship program that are north of US Highway 8, which runs across the northernmost quarter of the state. Removing the ability of local governments to establish rules pertaining to the use of quarries is also included in this proposal.
The ban on referenda would effectively silence the voices of the people of the State of Wisconsin and leave the fate of widely unpopular programs and proposals to the state and county governments. While this sounds reasonable, many times our own governments, whether state or local, do not vote in favor of what the majority of their constituents want, as evidenced by the recent votes concerning the Pelican River Forest by the Joint Finance Committee and the Oneida County Board. In spite of overwhelming public support, both governing bodies voted against the acquisition of conservation easements in the PRF.
This is reminiscent of 2018, when the Oneida County Board was veering toward allowing a mining company to begin drilling core samples in wetlands adjacent to the Willow Flowage in the Town of Lynne. The public outcry prompted the county board to hold a non-binding referendum on the Lynne mine, which resulted in an overwhelming bipartisan rejection of mining, specifically for the Lynne mine, but also generally for Oneida County as a whole. Without the right to hold this referendum, Oneida County may have had to allow a mine in this priceless habitat and these pristine waters.
Now our state legislators are proposing to remove the last hope of the public of having any opportunity to go on record regarding legislation. Since our own representatives have not voted in favor of popular opinion many times in the past and have in fact publicly stated that they do not “vote the way their constituents want,” these referenda are vital. These referenda allow the people to have a voice. Why do our legislators see that as a problem so terrible that they have to write a law against it? The referenda are non-binding, after all.
If this proposal passes, the next step will be, against the will of the people of Oneida County and northern Wisconsin, the establishment of a sulfide mining district that includes all of northern Wisconsin. In spite of what the mining companies say, this will be devastating for our lakes, rivers, and forest habitat. Please speak out to our legislators and tell them that the people of Oneida County and northern Wisconsin want to have a voice and want to continue to be heard.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel coverage of proposed bill here GOP releases bill to increase money for Wisconsin local governments
Direct quote from the June 16th, Felzkowski Flyer emailing on banning advisory referenda.
"Preventing local governments from using hot-button political advisory referendums, on issues they have no direct control over, to increase partisan voter turnout."
Please note the assertion "issues they have no direct control over
Update July 17 2023- From a recent Wisconsin Examiner article, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) along with Wisconsin Dairy Alliance (WDA) have joined in a lawsuit to exempt Factory Farms from WDNR permit requirements. One more reason why Oneida County should reconsider their postponed Manure Storage Ordinance. CAFO owners suing to end DNR permits have spilled more than 26,000 gallons of manure - Wisconsin Examiner
By Kathleen Cooper July 13, 2023- The waters and ecosystems of northern Wisconsin face yet another environmental threat - besides PFAS, sulfide mining, and local leaders who favor corporate interests instead of residents. This is the threat of CAFO’s being established in our Northwoods.
CAFO stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and refers to facilities that house 1000 or more “animal units”. These facilities can include meat, dairy, or egg operations where animals are kept and raised in confinement. Instead of grazing or eating in pastures, in fields, or on rangelands, animals are confined in small spaces and fed until they are ready for slaughter.
These CAFO’s pose many problems for the surrounding environment. They affect air quality, groundwater and surface water quality, land use, quantity and quality of nearby drinking water wells, damage to local roads from heavy truck traffic, and increased odors and noise. In other words, they stink and cause contamination to our precious, pristine environment because of the huge amounts of manure produced daily, which has to be spread on fields, causing runoff into our lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. In Wisconsin, 90% of all groundwater pollution comes from fertilizer and manure application.
Our neighbors in Polk County in northwestern Wisconsin are facing this threat now. When Cumberland LLC proposed establishing a swine operation that would house up to 26,350 pigs, small municipalities in the area such as Laketown passed ordinances to regulate how the CAFO’s can operate. Laketown’s rules applied to operations with 700 or more “animal units,” and required applicants to submit plans for preventing infectious diseases, air pollution and odor, managing waste, and handling dead animals, as well as mandating traffic and property value impact studies, a plan for clean-ups, and permit fees. This ordinance did not affect existing livestock facilities, unless they changed owners.
However, Wisconsin’s “right to farm” and livestock facility laws rebuff local control over CAFO’s, because regulating livestock operations, but not banning them or restricting their locations, could enable communities to sidestep the state laws, possibly affecting the state’s $104.8 billion agricultural industry. Big farming and dairy interests are threatening to sue the small towns in Polk County, including Laketown and Bone Lake. Usually when this happens the small towns cave to the power and money of the big farming interests, but so far the tiny municipalities in Polk County have stood their ground.
Last year, a manure storage ordinance that could have provided the residents of Oneida County with a buffer to the establishment of a CAFO here by powerful business and farming interests was rejected by our County Board. One farmer, who’s operation was not affected by the regulations proposed, objected. One farmer. Without some sort of regulatory safety net, Oneida County is an easy target for these CAFO’s, with all their stink and pollution. If you have ever driven past a huge swine operation and taken a whiff, you know what this entails.
Here is an excellent article from Barn Raising Media Regulating CAFOs Hits Snag in Wisconsin - Barn Raiser (
Grist article covering town vs CAFO legal battle A Wisconsin town tried to stop factory farm pollution. Then got sued. | Grist
Link to Oneida County Land and Water January 2022 update Manure Storage - Oneida County Land and Water Conservation (
By Eric Rempala January 16, 2023- Yes, yes, what next? As Oneida County reels from a recent PFAS discovery a WXPR piece reveals rising levels of salt in local lakes. What is encouraging is that levels are not so high yet to cause declines in macroinvertebrates and zooplankton which are the bottom of the food chain supporting fish populations.
A recent WXPR article by Katie Thoreson covers this issue in more detail. Rising chloride levels in Lake Julia spur action by Lake Association members to reduce salt use in the area | WXPR
I would like to commend both Sue and Bob Thome as well as the Lake Julia Lake Association for their efforts to bring this issue to the forefront. It is these types of actions from local residents that help protect our water. Let's hope going forward a proactive and effective approach will be implemented.
By Karl Fate
June 10 2022- Over the last 35 years I have attended many meetings in the Oneida County Courthouse and the proceedings were never overtly about partisanship or political ideology, but about issues impacting the County, that is how County business is supposed to be conducted.
That all changed when State politician Tom Tiffany decided to meddle in a County Board election. Since that time a certain threatening atmosphere began permeating our Courthouse whenever Tom Tiffany wanted Supervisors to vote a certain way. This culminated in a threat being heard in our County, that the State would take over the Lynne Site and strip the County of local control, if the referendum question on leasing the Lynne Site failed. Fortunately, the voters didn’t fall for the threat, and they voted the question down. It was an empty threat, they all were.
When Supervisors vote against local control, it doesn’t matter what their political party or political ideology is. When Supervisors vote to spend $60,000 to remove protections from their own County, it doesn’t matter what their political party or political ideology is. Everyone in Oneida County should be wondering, who is it that benefits by pitting neighbor against neighbor based on politics? Could it be that someone wants to distract us from what is really going on in our own Courthouse? It is despicable that a local newspaper has been stoking these divisions.
There are several new Supervisors in Oneida County. Most of the incumbent Supervisors voted to remove an important local control from much of the County, and to eliminate several important protections, while spending $60,000 to do it. Some of them were all in on removing these protections, others perhaps, were intimidated into going along.
What is most troubling about what a prior Board did, is that protections for their own County, and the people who live and work here, were removed to promote one the most destructive activities on the Planet, Sulfide Mining, in one of the most water-rich regions of the Planet. And to top it all off, they paid tens of thousands of dollars to have these protections removed and were persuaded to do so with arguments that were utter hogwash.
These are mistakes that can be fixed, but will the new Board have the wisdom to do it?
By Eric Rempala
March 18, 2022- A recent attempt to change the Knowles Nelson Stewardship has caught our attention here at OCCWA. Assembly Bill 852 presented by Calvin Callahan and Senate Bill 802 presented by Mary Felzkowski on January 18th proposed changes that would make it easier to sell land acquired with Knowles Nelson funding. The Bills were quickly contested by multiple conservation groups and private citizen comments and drawn back for reconsideration. If not for this immediate push back these Bills may have proceeded to vote.
What is Knowles Nelson? A direct quote from their webpage " The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program is one of Wisconsin’s proudest achievements. Since 1989, Wisconsinites have come together to care for our state’s land and water as well as build the trails, campgrounds, and boat launches that allow us to get out and enjoy Wisconsin. Knowles-Nelson is a rare bipartisan success story. It is an invaluable program that will continue to thrive only with a strong community of supporters who ensure that Wisconsin’s legislators continue to prioritize protected land, clean water, and access to outdoor recreation for every Wisconsin resident."
We in Oneida County have benefitted greatly from the Knowles Nelson program. Since inception Oneida County has had 88 projects supported with a dollar amount of just under $42 million. Projects consisting of land maintenance, trail construction, and upkeep, to land acquisition. Notable areas include Willow Flowage Scenic Waters Area, American Legion State Forest, Northern Highland State Forest, and Bearskin State Trail. Here is a link to a Knowles Nelson project map.
Even the most recently proposed Pelican River State Forest is set to receive funding from the Knowles Nelson Stewardship. So one wonders what exactly these two recently proposed Bills by two of our county's state reps is truly trying to accomplish and does it reflect the will of their constituents? We will continue to monitor the situation and help to keep you apprised going forward, though not much is expected now until next year.
Below is a link to an article on the attempted Bill proposals
By Eric Rempala
"At the January 21, 2022 CUW Special Manure Storage Ordinance (MSO) Committee meeting, a motion was made by Roach, seconded by Winkler to postpone the Manure Storage Ordinance until such time as operations exceeding 200 animal units comes into Oneida County with an animal unit equaling 1000 lbs. of live animal weight. Roll call vote: Winkler-aye, Mott-aye, Thome-aye, Engel-aye, Roach-aye, Ives- aye. Motion carried."
The above information is a direct statement from the Oneida County Land and Water Conservation. Included is a link to OCLW with a video of the meeting from which the statement originated from. Special thanks to the OCLW staff for their assistance.
Though disappointed that there was not a motion to forward the proposed Manure Storage Ordinance to the County Board, the decision to postpone was a good one. Postponement was a compromise by the committee as Supervisors Thome and Mott were in favor of the ordinance and Supervisors Winkler, Engel, Roach' and Ives were in favor of table/kill. The decision to postpone keeps the proposed ordinance active and on the books for possible reconsideration at such time as operations exceeding 200 animal units comes into Oneida County. This along with an extension on the CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) moratorium until September 2022 gives hope that Oneida County will be able to protect itself from such largescale farming operations.
The MSO committee did an excellent job cobbling together an ordinance which gives the county the ability to protect itself from such large CAFO operations without adding any additional restrictions to our current farms. It's important to note that the ability to oversee CAFO operations is the main objective of the ordinance. Also, the committee including the ability to revisit the ordinance yearly is a novel approach to updating the ordinance as actual application impacts are considered.
If this type of environmental legislation along with mining and PFAS issues are important to you, then you should consider asking for your County Supervisor candidate's positions on these issues for the upcoming April elections. It is squarely upon the residents and property owners of Oneida County to hold their Supervisors accountable when it comes to protecting our waters. Below are links for current Supervisors and Supervisor candidates for April 5 2022 election.
Current Oneida County Supervisor link
Current Oneida County Supervisor Candidates for April 5 Election
By Eric Rempala
Jan. 15, 2022--Oneida County held a public hearing on Jan. 5 to address a proposed Manure Storage Ordinance. View the meeting here: Manure Storage - Oneida County Land and Water Conservation ( Currently, while Oneida County has a moratorium on CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), it is one of only 10 Wisconsin counties that does not have a Manure Storage Ordinance. The proposed ordinance would go a long way in providing local protection to these particular animal operations.
We have seen multiple counties with weak local protections deal with the impacts of CAFOs. We applaud Oneida County for their foresight on this issue. Problems that can occur with CAFO operations are, but not limited to, the following:
Monitoring these issues and permitting CAFOs currently falls to the DNR. The DNR is greatly understaffed and underfunded when it comes to this issue. A local ordinance would provide Oneida County with a tool for oversight when necessary. More information on what CAFO oversight means and who pays for it can be found here.
Below is a public comment from Jan. 5 meeting made by Dan Butkus, an Oneida County property owner and water advocate. We feel Dan's comments represent an even-handed approach to protecting Oneida County's water resources, providing another set of eyes on animal operations that can help prevent degradation of our valuable waters.
Public Hearing statement by Dan Butkus
I appreciate the opportunity to make a public comment in support of the proposed Manure Storage Ordinance.
It was hard work to create the ordinance, but I believe it was well worth it. The sole goal was to produce a good ordinance and try to accommodate the concerns of all parties, because that’s what ordinances are for: managing disparate interests over shared use of a resource in the most equitable way possible.
Does everyone get everything they want? No. Compromise is not a dirty word. Those involved tried to find middle ground between farms of all types and residents/visitors who live on or use Oneida County waters for recreation. Both groups contribute to the tax base in this county. Both impact the surface waters of the county through their separate use, in their own way. One does not get to exist at the expense of another.
I believe the draft ordinance represents good work by a group of people who understand the balance of the interested parties. There was give and take all the way around. Additional input was seriously considered. I believe this proposed ordinance is better than many in agriculture-rich counties.
I’ve heard it said that we don’t need an ordinance, there are no CAFOs in Oneida County. I’ve heard that this will hurt small farms. I’ve heard that most small farms already comply with good practices and it’s unnecessary. To those comments, my replies are these. Implementing an ordinance after a CAFO is established is too late. This is a preventative measure. I’ve not seen solid data from the small farms showing how this ordinance will hurt them financially, or how it will negatively impact their day to day operations.
And to the last point, consider this. It is not the farms that follow good practices that worry me. It’s the one or two that don’t. If what they say is true and most are already following good practices, then this ordinance does not affect most small farms. In most cases, small operations won’t be required to obtain a permit. All that is being asked of small farms is that they all use the same guidelines of good practices by keeping manure stacks away from areas that endanger surface and ground water and minimize runoff by standardizing setbacks. If these are the good practices that they claim they are already following, then where is the issue with the ordinance, really?
Lastly, I’d like us to consider that of the 72 counties in Wisconsin, 62 have a Manure Storage Ordinance. Of the 10 that do not, six are in North Central Wisconsin, the area which is most rich with inland lakes in our state: Price, Iron, Vilas, Forest, Florence, and of course Oneida. I think that if counties with more agriculture than Oneida County found it wise to pass a Manure Storage Ordinance, and managed to overcome threading the needle of shared use to accommodate all parties, including small farms, then Oneida County can as well. We only need to follow their lead. I support the manure storage ordinance. Thank you.
The current ordinance proposal is just that: a proposal and yet to be presented to the Oneida County Board for a vote. We at OCCWA recommend residents to monitor this issue and give comment when the public listening session on this ordinance is held. Also, we urge you to give input to your district county supervisor, who will be voting on this issue. You can find your supervisor here.
Wisconsin's Waters Belong to Everyone
Wisconsin lakes and rivers are public resources, owned in common by all Wisconsin citizens under the state's Public Trust Doctrine. Based on the state constitution, this doctrine has been further defined by case law and statute. It declares that all navigable waters are "common highways and forever free", and held in trust by the Department of Natural Resources.
Assures Public Rights in Waters
Wisconsin citizens have pursued legal and legislative action to clarify or change how this body of law is interpreted and implemented. Go to the Wisconsin Department of Resources website to watch videos on how individual Wisconsinites have benefited from these efforts.
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